
Legislation Change Support


We acknowledge that the world is constantly evolving, and this applies to the regulations concerning health, safety, and the environment. Here at Pro-Vision, we make it our priority to ensure that the guidance and services we offer align with the most up-to-date regulatory standards, as a minimum.  Furthermore, we prioritise staying updated on potential future regulatory requirements through various professional bodies and compliance service providers. This allows us to provide you with insight into the future requirements and ensure that our current advice aligns with and complements them. By doing so, we minimize duplication and process changes while also future-proofing your equipment, wherever applicable.

Specialist Resources and Software

At Pro-Vision we understand to ensure the correct and appropriate solutions to your HSE challenges and requirements a consistent robust approach must be undertaken to ensure this. We utilise a number of templates, analytical models, and software to ensure the delivery of  the best solutions and advice to you based upon your specific situation. Key areas where this is imperative are in risk assessment management, process safety (including LOPA calculations, barrier effectiveness assessment and Bow Tie development) and when looking at Environmental (product stewardship and sustainability) considerations.

Specialist Equipment

To help us assist you in Health, Safety, and Environmental requirements we can provide specialist equipment to assist us in finding the most practical and sustainable solutions to your opportunities.

Examples -  This is small selection of examples. Please enquire further for your specific requirements

Noise meters

When carrying out noise surveys

Vibration monitoring

 Equipment when considering HAVS.

Dust level monitoring